Study says coal generated power here to stay
By Andrew Ramey
WEST BEND, Ind. Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max Calum Hood Tumblr Collage L1881 Case — Wind turbines could provide new power sources for West Bend, but they'll come at the price of increased greenhouse gases, according to an analysis from Purdue University.
The study found that existing wind power generated enough power to power about 6,100 homes and businesses for about 3.2 hours, but generated more greenhouse gases than coal when using the most advanced technology, the Purdue Energy Center said in a statement.
Wind power costs about four times less to produce, it said, than coal, the dirtiest fuel used in electric utilities.
"At this price, it really makes sense for wind farms to be operating under these different energy systems," said Jennifer A. coque huawei Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max BLACK CAT EYES Z1119 Case Schulte, the Energy Center's director. cover iphone 11 cartoon "Wind farms are expensive, but it's going to be the most efficient systems when you have the least carbon footprints."
The study also looked at how the nation's wind energy might compare to other sources, like nuclear, hydro, coal and gas. coque huawei cover custodia case iphone 11 T9697 bts wallpaper 10rF7 It determined that coal and natural gas are the energy sources that are most carbon-polluting, with the least am수원출장안마 수원안마ount of energy being emitted from wind turbines.
Coal has been used in a majority of recent electricity generation facilities around the country since the mid-2000s and the new report says that will continue, even if new technologies come into play.
The study is available at http://www.purdue.eduXO 카지노/energycenter/publications/WindGeneration/Wind%20Power%20Generating%20Walls%20and%20Stories/WindGeneration%20Projects%20and%20Walls_Final_Report.pdf.
The Energy Center found that new wind turbines cost about six times more than existing wind turbines and that by 2100, those systems will cost nearly 50 percent more than their older counterparts, the study said. coque iphone Custodia Cover iphone 11 pro max Elmo Snow L2840 Case That's due to new rules for coal plants and carbon capture and storage, the report said.
In Indiana, renewable energy is a big part of the future, according to the report.
That's because renewable energy power currently costs about 70 cents per kilowatt-hour more than conventional, dirty energy, and wind energy generates about 25 cents per kilowatt-hour more per hour.