Supreme Court to hear case allowing electors to go against popular vote
The plaintiffs said coque iphone 6s gg the laws in those states requiring coque iphone coque iphone 5 silicone totoro 6 animaux 3d electors to vote along with coque iphone 5s superstar the popular vote are unconstitutional.
In 2016, 10 electors voted against their state's pledged candidate. Three were invalidated and replaced coque iphone 5s asos with electors who complied, and the other seven were coque iphone 5s mouvement officially recorded. As coque iphone 4 joe bar team a result, coque iphone 6 monstre et compagnie Clinton lost five electoral coque iphone 6 guess cdiscount votes (three to former GOP Secretary of State Colin Powell, one to Democratic iphone 5 coque bmw candidate Bernie coque iphone 5 cuir apple Sanders coque iphone 5 brillante and one to Democratic South Dakotan activist Faith Spotted Eagle) and Trump lost two (one to coque iphone tahiti Kasich and one to former Texas Rep. Ron Paul).
Four of the rogue electors belonged to Washington state, two to Texas and one to Hawaii. coque iphone 6 original apple The invalidated votes belonged to electors in Maine (for Sanders), Minnesota (for Sanders) and Colorado coque iphone 5 vintage (for John Kasich).
In September, a federal coque iphone 5 en silicone gel appeals coque iphone 5s blindée court sided with the plaintiff in the Colorado case, Michael Baca. The decision generated concern among state officials and advocates, who fear it gives individual electors all the power and voters none.
The Electoral College system has been a target coque iphone se desigual of coque iphone 6 en forme de bouche numerous activists coque iphone 5 napoleon over the years. Presently, many states have changed or are considering changing how their electoral votes are awarded. A national movement, the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, promotes a coalition of states that have already enacted laws to award their electoral votes to whichever candidate wins the national popular vote an effort aimed at democratizing the entire process. The compact, however, won't enter coque iphone 4 harley legal force until states representing at least 270 electoral votes the number needed for a coque iphone 5c silicone emoji coque iphone 5 renault candidate to win join the coalition. Presently, the compact coque iphone 7 plus darty has states with 196 electoral votes, and needs 74 more…