What a Work Conference Taught Me About Parenting
Last year, I attended an huawei p10 hoesje HR and leadership conference in Minneapolis. The mission for the event was to bring humanity back cover samsung tablet e 9.6 to work a topic thankfully becoming part of the business conversation, as evidenced by viral posts like this CEO's (and single dad perspective circulating the interwebs. I was on the event's cover iphone x divertenti design team, so I felt confident I knew most of the content and how the event would unfold.
I didn't realize the event would hit me on such a personal level, as it uncovered so many parallels between cover samsung 6s good leadership and good parenting. Leaders are entrusted with people's lives and livelihoods and have the ability to impact them in significant ways (sound familiar). One startling stat from the Mayo Clinic said, "a person's direct supervisor has more effect on a person's health than their primary care physician."
While I was attending the event in a professional capacity, my experience felt a bit like a self help and parenting retreat. Here are fourparenting lessons I was surprised to take away from a work conference. 5 to 1 ratio was eye opening for me. In my day to day life, I knew I was quick to say, "no" or "not that way" or "don't do that" to my kids way more often than I was affirming their choices and actions. How many times daily did I tell them "stop," "don't," "you can't" How few times did I recognize their accomplishments or their positive actions, even small ones I didn think I was living up to the ratio.
I also learned that letting your feelings lead your cover silicone apple iphone 7 feedback and mentioning the impact of someone's actions can be especially powerful. For example, "I appreciate your help picking up the toys because it means we can spend more cover iphone 5s stussy time together playing."
Of course, being a parent means setting boundaries and ensuring kids don't hurt themselves, but being conscious of the ratio has helped me recognize when I'm thinking something positive about my kids, and it reminds me to say it out loud. Trust them with enormous responsibility
This came from CEO Kristen Hadeed as she described letting go and allowing her team lead. I found it to be helpful when thinking about my parenting relationship with my husband, especially at the beginning of life with a newborn.
In parenting relationships, sometimes one parent naturally takes the lead managing certain elements, whether it be the day to day caregiving, school drop offs, remembering all the things. If you're custodia cover samsung note 8 the cover iphone 7 star wars one leading your parenting partnership, trusting your co parent to handle things can lift some of the weight from samsung galaxy s10 hoesje you and give the other parent confidence in cover per iphone 6s amazon their choices. And it means cover griffate iphone 7 they won be calling or texting you with as many questions while they in charge.
The same goes for cover samsung galaxi j4 + caregivers, whether it be a babysitter, nanny, or your mother in law. Once you comfortable and have set clear expectations with them, the only way you ever going to leave the house is to trust them to kwmobile cover samsung s3 neo act with your child best interest in mind.
3. Failure teaches resilience
Hadeed wrote an entire book about the mistakes she made when growing her business. coque huawei The confidence gained from experience and the learning that comes from experiencing failure is invaluable for our kids too.
The term "lawnmower parenting" made the rounds last year after an anonymous teacher's post went viral. "We've all heard of helicopter parents," wrote the teacher for the website We Are Teachers."But lawnmower parents go to whatever lengths necessary cover samsung sm t555 to prevent their cover iphone con lettore barcode child from having to face adversity, struggle, or failure. Instead of preparing children for challenges, they mow obstacles down so kids won't experience them in the first place."
I found my own lawnmower tendency tested a few times this past school year as a first time kindergarten mom. Kindergartners don't have a custodia cover samsung j5 ton of responsibilities, but remembering to bring back their cover samsung j3 2017 in silicone library book on each and every Wednesday is one of them. The day came when we both forgot about the library book. I realized it after drop off, and I knew it probably meant cover iphone 6 quale scegliere 2016 she was going to meltdown at school. coque iphone To make it harder for both of us, it was her birthday. coque huawei HER BIRTHDAY!
BUT. I didn't bring the library book back to school.
Yes, she was upset. But in the following weeks, she started asking me whether it was Wednesday. The lesson wasn't foolproof, she did forget one more time, but she knew it was her responsibility to remember or she'd have to deal with the consequences if she forgot. Small victory.
Not the data on your cover custodia iphone 1 phone or what you share on the internet. Rather, be conscious of what is going on inside you. coque huawei "It's OK if you don't feel OK," said one speaker. "But you need to be conscious of that data."
Before I was a mom, I had a moment where I hit burnout at work. coque iphone It was a physical and mental crumbling. I mean, I worked in advertising. I wasn't saving lives, but I let burnout affect my relationships to the point where my husband said he felt like he didn't have a partner, and I got my cover iphone 6 neymar first grey hair! cover samsung j5 2017 pop socket No one was getting my best.
I've crumbled a few times since under the stress of parenthood (like adjusting to two kids) and unexpected life altering changes. Being conscious of your personal data allows you to know when you need time for self care so you don't suffer burnout from motherhood. Even if the term "self care" is overused and over marketed, the adage "you can't pour from an empty cup" is true.